Welcome to Moon In The Pond Farm

“In order to be able to have food through the next couple of months and year, we need to scale up everything that we do, and we need to do that now.”

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“We’re just doing more of what we do all the time. We’re just feeding people.”

About The Farm

The video below gives a great idea of what we’re about.  It was shot to help raise funds to support our anchor “New Farmer Full-Year Apprenticeship” program.  For info on that program and others go to the “Education” menu above.  Your support is always welcome!

Moon In The Pond is a small farm nestled on a quiet and picturesque dirt road in the southern Berkshire hills in Sheffield, Massachusetts. Raising food naturally and sharing the experience has been a strong and growing commitment throughout the farm’s history, since 1991. Through production and education Moon In The Pond maintains a strong focus on the elegant integration of historic and modern technologies.

Farmer Dominic Palumbo invites you to rediscover your agricultural roots with some of our great farm meats, heirloom vegetables, and other produce, a tour of the farm, or by participation in our short or longer-term workshops, internships, and programs (see tabs above).

Moon In The Pond Farm is the home base of Farm Education, Inc., a MA registered non-profit. Within the setting of a diversified, artisanal, working farm, Farm Education teaches the value and cultural necessity of sustainable farming, and vital, rural, agricultural communities.
100% of proceeds of all sales support our educational mission.
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