It’s All Good
Last year I started with bad news, good news. Though there were plenty of rough spots this year (rain, rain, rain and tomato blight to name four), there was too much too good to re-hash the not so…
Some highlights of a thrilling 2009 will be in the upcoming newsletter.
We’re forging ahead into 2010 with enormous enthusiasm charged by another great year of experience building on our educational work, our conservation efforts and our community building. Once again we’ve got a fantastic crew of new apprentices (who you’ll meet in the next newsletter and through the year here at the farm and markets) and we are now lining up a gang of summer interns.
As we hammer our schedules and prepare for the ’10 season of raising animals and vegetables for the table, for mentoring our next generation of farmers, and our other activities, we look forward—we’re psyched—to have you ‘in’.


Become a Co-producer
CSA stands for Community (that’s you and us!) Supported Agriculture. It’s the system where you help the farm by making a commitment early in the year (just like we farmers do). By your advance payment you commit to buying a portion of your food from our farm—you invest in the new season, in your year of great food. You plant $, we plant the food! You become (in the words of Carlo Petrini) a co-producer.

Bacon Bucks
It’s easy. Our CSA is called “Bacon Bucks”. We send you Moon In The Pond dollars, “Bacon Bucks”, for the amount of your ‘subscription.’

“Bacon Bucks” get you:
– whatever you want from the farm (no blackouts/restrictions)
– whenever you want (not a scheduled weekly ration)
– any time of year (we’re open year ‘round)
– whatever we have (wide range of VEGETABLES and MEATS) eggs, specialties
– no quantity limits, no exceptions, no expiration
– freebies, discounts, and super special sales
– joining/re -joining premium—see them listed below
– a connection to your farm!
– access to the farm for unlimited visits
– Referral bonus (sign a new member—we’ll have something extra for you both!)


Wide Array of Famous Meats
The great news is that we have a fantastic selection of our famous meats available now. (MITP on-line list) Our awesome Hot Dogs, ‘gourmet’ Liverwurst, terrific Sausages and Cured Meats, and, now in, a wide array of Veal cuts are waiting to grace your table, warm your heart and belly, and provide you with real homegrown nutrition.

Beautiful Food by PayPal or Snail Mail
You can become a Bacon Bucks member on-line, through PayPal. (Help us now!) Or download our membeship form and mail it in or bring it to the farm with a check. We have suggested membership levels, but join at whatever amount you’re comfortable in between. We know you want us to get through the winter and have great stuff (amazing, delicious, real, local, heirloom, lovingly grown, organic, health-giving, beautiful food) for you all through the coming year.