Nearly 700 dollars worth of seeds are in the mail, destined for our doorstep. Our incubator in the living room is humming and full of chicken eggs, and our trusty greenhouse in the backyard is planted and beginning to sprout. The front yard is brimming with purple crocuses and promising clusters of daffodils and tulips. As the grass begins to grow, the memory of cold weather is already fading from our minds…
In fact, as Spring blooms, it is deceptively easy to forget the difficulties we had this winter. In January, we sent out an appeal – a plea! – for donations; after losing our major source of funding last year we were desperate for help to continue our educational mission. And… our community saved us! You showed us definitively that yes, our role is important and that you have a stake in it. We received almost $15,000 from our fundraising campaign, just enough to jumpstart this year of growth.
With your contribution, we recommit to our mission this year. Our mission itself, however, is far from complete. We are bursting with energy for this new chance at life, and we want to share the experience. We want you to start thinking of this place as YOUR farm – because it is! If you haven’t yet gotten involved with our CSA, we think it’s about time you did.
Get involved with the food you eat
We believe that the best way to truly appreciate food is to know where it comes from, and to have a relationship with the farmers (and apprentices) that grow it. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a way for both farmers and local people to work together and prosper. By purchasing a lump sum early in the season (a “share”) our CSA members help to defer the necessary expenses that accrue early in the season. Every share sponsors another necessary step in sustaining our community, allowing us to pay for seeds, to feed our pigs for a week, or simply to keep the lights on. In return, we offer discounts, sweet, sweet benefits and the best food anywhere.
Our CSA is special. We call it “Bacon Bucks.”
The Moon In The Pond CSA is far more flexible than most. Instead of getting a subscription box of vegetables every week, we give you the choice to shop like you usually do! Just purchase a bundle of what we call “Bacon Bucks,” and spend them on anything and everything – from fresh vegetables and fantastic specialty meats to free-range eggs and honey…
This system has a few distinct advantages:
1) There’s no due date or expiration. You send us your subscription money and we send you MITP dollars. Spend them ‘til you run out, whenever, on whatever, wherever we sell. Simple, convenient, flexible and fun! (For a full list of what we sell, click here.)
2) Join-up premiums! Get a package deal with suggested donation amounts:
Suggested Membership Levels & Premiums for Joining
PLANTERS ($1000 plus level) will receive the following $105 value:
1 lb Stew Meat
3 lbs Ground Beef
1 lb Pork Chops
1 lb Bacon
1 lb Ham Hocks
.25 lb Pancetta
.25 lb Lardo de Domenico
TILLERS ($500-$990) will receive the following $40 value:
1.5 lbs Stew Meat
1.5 lbs Ground Beef
1 lb Ham Hocks
.25 lb Pancetta
SEEDERS ($250-$490) will receive the following $20 value:
1.5 lbs Ground Beef
1 lb Ham Hocks
3) Year round! No “pick up day” or seasonal restrictions.
4) Freebies, discounts, and members-only super special sales!
5) Referral bonus (sign a new member—get a super treat!)
6) Access to farms for unlimited visits.
7) A chance to invest in your local farm and community – your purchase provides us with the funds to plant seeds and educate our apprentices, thus sustaining you with high quality foods.
You can become a Bacon Bucks member on-line, through PayPal. (Help us now!) Or download our membership form and mail it in or bring it to the farm with a check.
What we offer is more than a simple sales pitch. We are passionate about our mission, and we cannot do it alone. Please, show some love, and help us achieve our goals in 2012! Your community depends on it!
Dan, Dom, Eric and Zach